Monday, February 18, 2008

Inspired by SusieB

Susie on the cricut mb inspired these cards. She has been posting cards that she has made with pre-embossed cards. She just ads a stamped imagine and some extra touches and whala.. Well I found these cards at the grocery store the other day (not the best quality cards-but they will do until I can get some of the better quality ones) sooo without further ado...


Anonymous said...
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Stampin' Meg said...

Wow these are beautiful! You did a great job-isn't Susie B. awesome. One fo these days I am going to break down and get some gamsol and try!
(PS- you probaly want to delete that comment above from Ivan-I did NOT click the link in it- but it probably is some sort of malware-I got a few on my blog and just clear them out to be on the safe side!)

Michelle Yvette said...

What a great idea! You did a great job! Now who is Susie B?

Lisa'sLettersandLace said...

Great idea with these cards. I'm trying to quickly make up a collection for mother's day gifts with a card keeper box. This will help move along the project a bit more quickly. Lisa

stampingcaz said...

FAB CARDS you have the stamping bug dont ya?